The Best Ways to Stay Safe This Summer in Arizona

Summer is here, which means it's time for some fun in the sun. You may have already begun planning family activities, from day trips with small children to vacations to the seaside, during the coming warm season months. There's a lot to anticipate in the following summer months.

With everything going on, it's easy to overlook that summer in Arizona also brings scorching heat, blazing sun, and other potential perils. When you're arranging your family outings, keep everyone's health and safety in mind. The following guidelines for summer safety can help you avoid accidents, illnesses, and other problems while still enjoying the season.


Water Safety for All  

On a hot summer day, taking a dip in the water can be quite refreshing. Unfortunately, thousands of people are injured or die due to swimming or boating incidents every year. Drowning is one of the top causes of preventable deaths in the United States, according to the National Safety Council.

Children under the age of 15 are more prone to injury than anyone else. Although any individual may be harmed, children under the age of 15 are at a significantly greater risk. Keep the following safety recommendations in mind when taking the family out for a swim:

  • Keep an eye on your kids at all times. Take turns actively watching the children if you have more than one adult present.

  • Provide young children with an authorized life jacket to wear while in and around the water. Life jackets should be worn by everybody when on a boat.

  • Keep an eye on anybody who dives into the water.

  • Keep a cellphone nearby in case of an emergency.

  • Consider signing children up for swimming lessons beforehand.


Take Care of Your Skin  

Some sunshine can be beneficial for your health. It's important for the production of vitamin D and bone health. It can also help with your mood and encourage healthy sleep patterns. However, too much of it may have unfavorable long-term effects on your skin, including painful sunburn, dehydration of the skin, and an increased risk of cancer.

Here are some suggestions to keep your family's skin safe from the scorching Arizona summer sun:

  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going out in the sun and apply it often. Choose an SPF of at least 15 that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Use it on days when the sky is overcast, too.

  • It's critical to keep babies under the age of 1 out of the sun as much as possible. Outfit them in light-colored clothes that cover their entire body when outside.

  • Take breaks in shaded areas whenever you can.

  • Be extra careful between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are at their peak.


Prevention for Heat-Related Problems  

Summers in Arizona are hot, with highs sometimes exceeding 100°F (37°C) for several days in a row. In extreme heat, your risk of a heat-related illness rises, increasing the likelihood of visits to emergency rooms. The most at-risk population is made up of older people, infants, and people with chronic diseases.

The following measures can assist you and your family in avoiding heat exhaustion and heatstroke:

  • Follow any heat warnings. These alerts notify you ahead of time that it will be hot, and that you should take precautions to stay cool, hydrated, and safe.

  • Learn what heat-related illnesses look like. A person who has suffered from heat exhaustion may be sweaty, fatigued, and nauseated. Their skin could also be clammy. Confusion, a high temperature, dry and hot skin, and even seizures are signs of heat stroke.

  • Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., stay inside as much as possible, that's when the sun is at its highest.

  • Encourage your kids to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, even if they aren't feeling thirsty, and avoid caffeine and alcohol. Water may help you remain hydrated, but if you're going to be outside, consider sports drinks. Sports drinks will aid in keeping you hydrated while also replacing the electrolytes that are lost during desert heat.

  • Never leave children or older people alone in a vehicle. Temperatures can rapidly rise to hazardous heights in as little as ten minutes.


Take Measures Against Bug Bites  

Mosquitoes can be found in Arizona throughout the monsoon season and around several of the tourist lakes. Their bites are typically just an itchy nuisance, although some species may transmit the West Nile virus, which, in certain situations, can result in encephalitis or meningitis. Mosquito bites that itch might also lead to skin irritation.

Ticks can also cause problems. While many people believe that ticks aren't found in hot climates, Arizona has eight desert species. When a tick bites someone, it may transmit dangerous germs.

Here are a few quick tips to prevent bug bites:

  • Spray your clothing, arms, and legs with insect repellent. Avoid getting the repellent on cuts, scratches, rashes, and sunburned regions. If you apply the spray where your kid puts things in their mouth, be careful where you do it so they don't ingest it. Remove all bug spray as soon as you walk back inside

  • Bugs are most active at sunrise and sunset, so avoid being outside at those times.

  • Wear long sleeves, pants, and close-toed shoes or boots when doing yard work or going on a hike to avoid tick bites.

  • Before coming inside, check for ticks and remove any you find.


Picnic Safety Tips  

It's not summer until you've eaten at least one meal outside, right? Although dining al fresco may be lovely, food poisoning is more likely during the summer. That's because germs grow faster in temperatures ranging from 40°F to 140°F and can double in numbers within 20 minutes if the conditions are ideal.

Whether you're preparing your meals outside or taking food ready with you, keep these few picnic safety tips in mind:

  • Clean and sanitize the cooler, cooking utensils, and any containers you'll be using to take meals to your picnic area.

  • Raw foods should be kept separate from ready-to-eat dishes. Use distinct utensils when preparing raw and ready-to-eat meals, as well.

  • Keep cold foods below 40°F and hot above 140°F until you're ready to serve. Leftovers should be put in the fridge within two hours or one hour if it's hotter than 90°F outside. Expired foods must be thrown away.


Making Sure You're Safe on the Playground  

Playgrounds are ideal for children to burn off excess energy. However, climbing, hanging, swinging, and sliding aren't without risks. Kids may trip, fall down or scrape their knees while doing so.

Here are a few suggestions for keeping your children safe on public playgrounds this summer:

  • Keep an eye on children as they walk or run by swings, and make sure they stay at least arm's length away to avoid being inadvertently kicked.

  • Avoid swinging with young children in your lap.

  • Before your kid slides down, make sure the slides are not too hot. The sun can make them searing hot.

  • Look for exposed bolts and any pointy elements on the playground.

  • Follow sun and heat safety tips to avoid sunburn and heat-related illnesses while playing. Stay cool by taking breaks in shaded areas or heading indoors for a break. Bring plenty of water so everyone can stay hydrated.


Pet Safety  

Dogs also want to go outside. Just like people, dogs can benefit from fresh air and sunlight. Dogs are likewise susceptible to a variety of injuries and diseases, including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, burns, and more.

If you want to bring your dog along for the summer fun, keep these precautions in mind:

  • Bring a water bowl and make sure your dog stays hydrated.

  • Be sure your dog has access to a shady area to escape the sun’s rays and heat.

  • Avoid spending too much time outdoors, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If possible, plan walks for early mornings and evenings.

  • Before allowing your dog to walk on it, inspect the street with the back of your hand. Wait to take a walk or put booties on their feet to protect their paw pads if necessary.

  • Keep an eye on your dog's breed. Breeds with short noses (brachycephalic) are more vulnerable to breathing difficulties and heatstroke than other breeds are.

  • Never leave dogs unattended in a parked car.

  • Make sure your dog is up-to-date on their vaccines as well as their flea and tick preventatives.

  • Take precautions to prevent your dog from drowning if you take them swimming. A good fit is essential when using a canine life jacket.


Nothing Beats Summer at Liv MultiFamily  

During the summer months in Arizona, there's a lot of fun to be had. Liv wants to assist you in enjoying all of the seasons at one of our Phoenix-area multifamily communities. You'll have no trouble finding things at Liv Multifamily, given the number of recreational facilities, including playgrounds, saltwater swimming pools, walking trails, bark parks, and community gardens. If you need some air, visit our community center or relax in your modern apartment. All of our communities are also near a variety of activities and events.

Are you ready to liv life to the fullest this summer and beyond? Visit Liv today to find the perfect community for you and your family.

Kids and an adult playing and splashing with water in the grass.